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How does the Husky manual exchange work?

At Huksy, you can choose between:

  • Automatic exchange: conversion to reais (BRL) is done automatically as soon as your payment arrives at Husky, with the current exchange rate. The payment goes directly to your Brazilian bank account

  • Manual exchange: you choose when to withdraw and convert your payment to reais (BRL).
    You have up to 6 months to request a withdrawal. The transfer withdrawal is full, partial withdrawals are not possible

By default, when you open your account at Husky, it will have withdrawals in automatic exchange mode.

How do I activate the manual exchange on my account?

  1. Log in to your account via the Husky Web App
  2. In the account settings, access the screen "Câmbio" (
  3. In "Câmbio", click the button to activate manual mode
  4. With manual mode enabled, you can set to receive email alerts when the dollar increases

How do I withdraw my money manually?

  1. On the screen "Transferências", see which ones are available for withdrawal

  2. Click on the transfer you want to withdraw and confirm the information

  3. By clicking "Confirmar", the quote will be closed, and payment will arrive in your bank account until the end of the next business day
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