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Do my payments earn points for Nomad Pass?

Yes. For every US$1 (one dollar) sent or received through your Husky account (or the equivalent in other currencies), you earn 1 point in Nomad Pass, Nomad's loyalty program. Points are valid for 12 months after completing the exchange operation.

With Nomad Pass, you get reduced rates to enjoy all the benefits of having an international Nomad account, such as discounts on Nomad's operational fee and free delivery of your physical card.

Your participation in the program is automatic and completely free. To participate, you just need to have a Nomad account and a Husky account registered with the same CPF. Even if your Husky account is a business account, the main CPF for the account must be the same one used to create your Nomad account.

You can check your level and accumulated points in the Nomad app at Profile > Nomad Pass.

For more information about Nomad, click here.

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